Wanted!!! I am on the lookout...

As you may have guessed, I am a collector of all things local history!

I have a big collection of photographs, books, articles and miscellaneous items I have collected over the last 15-20 years, but I am always looking for more.

If you have any older items that you would be willing to share, especially photographs, I am interested! Even if it is just to make copies of it, that's good enough for me. 

I am especially interested in the following:

* Any old phone books or Ottawa city directory books (pre-1980)
* Any old school yearbooks from any of the high schools in this area, such as Nepean High School, Champlain High School, Highland Park, Fisher, etc.
* Any old documents, files, letters, etc. to do with anything from the Kitchissippi area
* Especially any old photographs taken anywhere in the Kitchissippi area, particularly of houses, businesses, streets, etc. These things are especially invaluable to me in my research, and always come in handy when researching neighbouring homes, the history of a street, etc. The older the better, particularly if you have old family albums that date back to the early 1900s and which contain photos of family members in front of a house, or in the street, or posing in front of a business, these types of photos are always so useful to me, and I would love to acquire a copy (or scan your originals). 

If you have any items that you feel might be of interest, please do get in touch with me. My email address is daveallston@rogers.com and I would love to hear from you. (If you prefer they not be published/shared on the blog, that's ok, I'm happy to acquire them just for my own research purposes too). 

Thanks so much.


  1. I worked at the main branch of the ottawa public library in the early 1990s and at that time they had all the old phone books (real copies, not microfiche) dating back to the 1950s. I doubt they have them in the stacks anymore, but hopefully they stored them and didn't destroy them. You could enquire as to their whereabouts and whether they would sell them or give them away, or let you have access.

  2. Hi Dave. Do you have any old photographs of 842 Byron Ave (Byron and Courtney) the original house bought and built on by William Tate (the McKellar Park developer) and later lived in by Margaret McKellar?

    1. Hi Dr. Hindson. Sorry, I somehow missed this comment you made earlier this summer. In fact, I do have an old photo of this house - would you believe I have a photo of it mid-construction? :) I'm saving it for a someday-upcoming article on Courtenay Avenue. But if it's something you're really keen to see, send me an email (daveallston AT rogers DOT com) and I'd be happy to send it to you in advance. Cheers!

  3. Very interesting article on the history of Fraser ave, Dave. Had you seen this piece about the McKellar Park Golf Club - http://flagstick.com/editors-desk/history-walk-first-ottawa-city-district-junior-golf-championship/ There was a more complete article in the same magazine that is mentioned in Grainger's article but is no longer on line.

    1. Thank you. I have seen that article, it was very well done, and I've referred to it often. I have a detailed article on the golf course of my own that's in the works... hopefully will have it out soon! Cheers, thanks for reading.

  4. Hey sorry I don't have anything for you but I saw your recent article in K-Times and am looking for more information on General Grant. I live on Grant St and am having trouble finding with google just who that was.

    1. Hmmm, not the General Grant from CFRA? ; )

  5. Hi Dave!

    I love your blog and Kitchisippi Times articles! I love history (one of my undergraduate degrees!) And especially stories about our neighborhood. I have only lived here 13 years, but am from a small town in SW Ontario and love how Hintonburg feels similar. I am particularly interested in learning more about Gladstone Avenue history as we currently live at 1174 and try to take care of our dear old 1928 constructed girl who will be 90 next year and has sheltered at least 5 families that we are aware of since then. Keep the stories coming and thanks!

  6. I am a descendant of David Ladouceur. I would love to learn more about him and I read somewhere you may have a picture of him? Joannecummings@rocketmail.com

  7. Hi David, I sent you a message via Ancestry. I do have the book Hintonburg & Mechanicsville Narrative History by John Leaning. Many beautiful pictures in the book but you probably have it. Will look for more. Cheers ! Carmen

  8. Hi, Dave,
    I am trying to contact you to participate in Jane's Walk. Let me know if you would like to lead a walk this year. Your choice of topic. Call me at 613 563-4922 and let me know whether you received my email from about a week ago.

    1. I would like to attend said Jane's walk. =D

  9. William Thomson is my 5th GG. I am still searching for information about his family and appreciate the story you did on Maplelawn very much. My entire family grew up around O'Meara, Hilda, Carruthers... and I have yearbooks from Champlain from 72-77 and many family photos around the area. Perhaps we can help each other :)

  10. Hello Dave,
    I read and commented on your article "Hintonburg Builder: David Manchester. He was my Great Grandfather and I can did out some old photos and other memorabilia I may have on hand. I would like to know what if anything might come of your article in giving David Manchester in the history pages of Hintonburg....

  11. Hello Dave,

    My name is Wayne Duford and lived my early life Ottawa’s west end in your area of research. Having just found your article Street Profiles: The History of Stirling Avenue, I was fascinated by the interesting information you found about the history of the street. Of particular interest was that it had been formerly Centre Street. This was most interesting, as I had been trying to identify where 24 Centre Street in Ottawa was located (please see attached article).

    I have been doing some family research on and off for a number of years and am trying to find some old photos of some buildings related to my family.

    To be brief, if you happen to have any photos or information regarding the following, it would be most appreciated!

    10 Ladouceur avenue (according to the 1911 Census, my grandfather was working at a mill as a labourer when living there).. could this be the same as 24 Center Street given the street name change of 1908?

    24 Center Street (not sure how to attach an image...) and even if you can identify what number on Stirling it would be today if it still exists.

    44 ½ Ladouceur (apparently the house I lived at when born; strangely, 44 and 44 ½ seem to be two buildings?)

    283 Carruthers

    Also if possible, there used to be a a family of 21 (Jean-Louis family) in the late 1950’s or early 1960’s which we helped out. It was a wooden row of houses on Carruthers, starting from Wellington street going North down the street; now demolished (there is a Community Center and McCormick Park there now)

    I have also been looking for a photo of Hunter’s Cleaners, where my mom worked. If I remember, it was in an industrial type area near Scott Street perhaps around Hamilton Avenue North

    I have a couple of early family photos of a house on Stirling as well as photos of my grandfather building 99 Carruthers if interested. I also have cd's of all the Fisher Park High School yearbooks. If you send me your email, I can attach some images for you.

    Thanks for any help you could give.

    1. You mentioned 44 1/2 ladouceur. I rented a room there during a university work term in 2001.it was in pretty poor shape at the time.

  12. Hello Dave,
    I am a contributor/volunteer to the Riverview Park Review, a free community paper published 5 times a year. The April edition features Andrew Carnegie and the OPL.Interest in our local branch that is located in the Elmvale Shopping Centre that is up for redevelopment.I have learnt that the Rosemount branch was the second to get funding from the Carnegie Foundation. It is to get a major renovation this year. Searching for information I happened upon your blog. I am hoping to use some of the history that you have recorded in my article. How does that sit with you? Nothing verbatim, but general use with attribution, on the lines of the similarity to the city regarding libraries as unwanted luxuries and the mayor not wanting to lower the city's dignity by asking for money.There are Carnegie Libraries in Curepipe on the island of Mauritius, in Suva on the island of Fiji and in Belgrade the capital of Serbia. There are over 3,000 of them.
    Geoff Radnor

  13. Hi David

    I have a copy of the "Report of the Federal Plan Commission on a General Plan for the Cities of Ottawa and Hull -1915"This is a 158 page, 9.5 X 12 inch, bound book including maps with overlays, charts and lists. I have contacted the city archives but they already have copies. If your interested, it's yours.

    Al Lewrey (alewrey@rogers.com)

  14. Haven't heard from you re: the "General Plan for the Cities of Ottawa and Hull- 1915". Are you still interested?

  15. Hi,
    My name is Raj and I am a photographer. I am in search of old photographs of buildings here in Ottawa that are still standing but now have a different use/look. I am doing a project to highlight the old/new in order to give people a better appreciation of their city. So any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Email me at rajeevn@bell.net

  16. Hi Dave,

    I have a lead on a 1911 photo of 73 Sherbrooke Avenue. Is that considered Kitchissippi? I'll check my files for other possible photos from that area. Send me an email.


  17. Hi my name is Robert and I read one of your articles about the Beach Foundry Limited company. I have a BFL easy clean range in my home and I was wondering if your museum would be interested in it. Here is the major issue. I live in Alberta. Please send me an email if you would be interested in it.

  18. hi, im looking for old pics of Rosemount area and 17 Rosemount from years ago. looking for my Moms home and she played softball to the Montagnards ( Monties ) at Macnab park and LaRoche park. thanks.

  19. FYI, if interested, there is a Beach Foundry Ottawa Canada, Beach CO-ED put out for garbage on Cherry St, Ballantrae, Ontario. stopped last night on way back from walk to check out and see what kind of stove seen as drove by few times was.
    It's interesting and sad bits of history discover not know put out on side of road for take or lose forever from history to garbage.
    Thanks for posting history to be rediscovered and amazed at.
    Love antiques. Old stoves have such elegance and character. Remember reading old recipes without temperatures or timing simply bake till...because all depended on heat of stove etc.
    We have it so easy, have no comprehension what life was like, and lost so much although think otherwise.

  20. I have some recent photos of the inside of the old Elmdale theatre you might like. I was servicing the congregations electic organ and the Pastor graciously allowed me to snap a couple of photos. I'd be happy to submit them for the page.

  21. Some interesting transportation history and photographs at OC Transpo:

  22. Do you have any information on the big fire in the mid 1960's at Zagerman's on the corner of Larouche and Scott St.? I was born in 1964 and I lived on Garland St., near Scott between 1964 and 1969. I remember the big fire but I don't remember the exact date.. The fire trucks were there putting the fire out until the early morning.

  23. Hi Dave, we have spoken about this in past (in-person, so yes that long ago) -- did you ever determine what 86 Spadina Ave. was originally constructed as?

  24. I am looking or an archive photo of the Proudman House at 1112 or 1114 Wellington Street West. We operate a business from this location and I have been given some history on the buildings.

    1. Hi---My great grandfather was John Proudman who owned 1114 Wellington. We used to visit a few times a year. My Moms maiden name was Proudman. I have some old pics which I will have to dig around for.

  25. Hi Dave I am wondering if you have done any research or have any information regarding "kit houses" from Sears and other catalogues. I think there are quite a few. cheers
    John Lindsay

  26. I've been trying to learn something about the history of my home at 485 Island Park Drive. I know it was built in 1930 and is one of the older houses on IPD. But, other than that, I know little.

  27. hi Dave i wander if you got more photo about the traffic circle from island-park driveway corner richmond road thank in advence

  28. I just came across your blog on 75 years of CARE (Feb 2020). I am so thrilled to read the early history as Breen Melvin (first Director of CARE Canada) was my father! I have his membership card from 1947-8. I SO appreciate your effort to chronicle the history of west Ottawa.
