
Saturday, April 8, 2023

Subscribe to the Kitchissippi Museum!

To my subscriber list, I apologies for the ongoing issues with the mail-out. I officially hate Blogger/Blogspot and the Mailchimp tool that works so inconsistently. I'm working on fixing all of these issues.

If you do not already receive the Kitchissippi Museum by email, I encourage you to click on the link at right under "Subscribe to the Museum!".

Or you can simply click click: SUBSCRIBE

You'll receive an email each time there is new content posted to the Kitchissippi Museum! It's a great way to ensure you never miss a post. (You should be receiving the headline/sample of each new post. I realize recently it has been sending empty emails. I'm trying to fix that, and can't explain why it started doing that. When I send a test email, it works. When the official email goes out to the subscriber list, it sends empty.) 

In the meantime, I aspire to revamp this whole website and make it more organized and user-friendly, and to add more types of content. I've been saying that for a long time, and since I'm not really a web page guy, I'm limited as to what I'm able to do (also when it comes down to it, I'll always choose to research and write rather than try to do web page things). But an update/upgrade is long overdue. So stay tuned!

Thanks for reading and subscribing, I appreciate it!

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