
Monday, February 10, 2020

Oliver & Sons Furniture: Early Hintonburg Industry

This month my article in the Kitchissippi Times focuses on a long-lost but important firm that set up shop in Hintonburg back in 1899 and went on to become one of Canada's largest furniture manufacturers. Bankruptcy during the great depression brought about an end to this successful company in the 1930s, but their legacy is one worth exploring.

Please check out the article at

Unfortunately for many months of hunting, I could never find a photo of the factory whatsoever. However I've recently discovered one might exist at Library and Archives Canada, so I will re-add it to this post in the future if I'm able to track it down! In the meantime, I have a few photos that help demonstrate the factory's size:

LeBreton Flats factory in 1895 before moving operations
to Hintonburg in 1899

1922 fire insurance plan showing the buildings
and wood piles. "Oliver" is what is now
Gladstone, and that's Breezehill along the left.

1901 newspaper ad


  1. Hi Dave, have you ever come across photos of furniture made by the company?

  2. This is my paternal grandmothers family business. Loved finding this article. I saw a piece of furniture from the store at a local antique market but when I went back it was gone.

    1. I recently inherited a beautiful sideboard - are you interested.

  3. I Just finished cataloguing and auction with a bedroom set Of Oliver Solid-Built furniture
