
Friday, June 7, 2019

100th Birthday Party & History Presentation - Saturday June 22nd!

Yesterday the Wellington West BIA released the details on the neighbourhood birthday party! Saturday June 22nd from 7-10 p.m. will be a big evening celebrating our great community, sharing some history, fundraising and just spending time with neighbours and friends.

I am really happy to be doing this event. I'm not 100% sure what the full agenda is for the presentation portion, but what I do know is that I'll be narrating a slideshow of photos from Wellington Village's history (double the photos from what I showed during the Jane's Walk last month), but also doing a whole new segment on the 1919 auction, including a ton of rare photos I discovered that I have never shared yet! I'm particularly looking forward to that portion of the presentation, and I hope you will too. I believe there may be other guest speakers as well, long-term residents of the neighbourhood who will share stories and tidbits. I think the formal presentation part will be a part (60 minutes? 90 minutes?) of the 3-hour evening, with time built in to see displays, participate in the auction, and enjoy the treats and drinks.

The details are below, but it is important to note that you MUST register in advance for a ticket. Tickets are free (and it is requested that if you reserve a ticket now but sadly plans change, that you please cancel your ticket so that someone else can attend). I'm sure this event will "sell out" soon, as space is limited to around 70-80 people, so please book your ticket asap! :)

(Registration link is HERE and also at the bottom of this post)

I look forward to seeing everyone on the 22nd!


From the Wellington West BIA:

Happy 100th Anniversary Wellington Village!

The local businesses of Wellington West would like to invite you to come and celebrate this important milestone with our neighbours, the Wellington Village Community. 
Saturday, June 22, 2019,  7-10pm 
Exposure Gallery, (Upstairs at Thyme & Again)

The evening will include tasty seasonal offerings from Thyme & Again catering, as well as drinks, a cash bar, socializing and a special presentation by Kitchissippi's own local historian, Dave Allston and other special guests.
The evening will also feature a silent auction of three canvas prints depicting historically significant images of Wellington Village; generously created by local print shop CanvasPop and curated by Dave Allston. Proceeds from the auction will go to charity partner, St. Vincent de Paul.

The event is FREE to attend but you must Register. *Space is limited.


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