
Friday, May 31, 2019

Wellington Village is Exactly 100 Years Old!

100 years ago today - May 31st 1919 - was a key day in the story of Wellington Village! It was the day of the big auction sale that turned vacant farmland into a subdivision in an afternoon!

From the original promotional booklet advertising
lots for sale in what is now Wellington Village

The June issue of the Kitchissippi Times (due out within the next few days) will feature a lot of Wellington Village anniversary content, and I'm excited about a series of events happening throughout June related to it as well. We completed the Jane's Walk in early May as the kick-off event (amazingly, it was the highest-attended Jane's Walk in Ottawa!); and in June I'll be taking over the Saint-Vincent's window on Wellington with photos and artifacts starting next Friday (June 7th), and there will be a few other things that I'll be promoting shortly...including the main event of the anniversary, an evening at the upstairs Gallery at Thyme & Again on Saturday June 22nd, and an afternoon event on Sunday June 23rd at a location that is just being finalized. It will feature a presentation with tons of photos, and the story of the auction, complete with a new set of photos I acquired that have never been seen before!

But back to the big day.. May 31st 1919... you can read all about it in my old article at the Kitchissippi Times:

And also you can read all about the original houses from 1919 which still stand today, and their stories:

And here are some bonus newspaper advertisements, which ran throughout the month of May 1919, promoting the big auction May 31st!

The Kitchissippi Museum is proud to be a part of all the events coming up in June, celebrating our awesome neighbourhood, and 100 years of great history!

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