
Saturday, February 18, 2017

The most unexpected sports club in Westboro's history

Civic, fraternal and sporting clubs have long been a significant part of Westboro's social fabric. Somewhat sadly, modern society has seen a drastic decline in the prevalence of many of these organizations that were the centre of social life in the first half of the twentieth century. Recreation and entertainment options have morphed substantially over the past 100 years.

Recently, I was told about a sporting club which existed for only a few years during the Great Depression, but surely can be considered one of the most surprising, unique and intriguing stories in Westboro's history. Would you believe that Westboro once was home to a rifle shooting club? That held its practices inside All Saints Church on Richmond Road? And which was made up entirely of teen-aged girls? It's true!

Check out the article in this week's Kitchissippi Times:

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