
Friday, November 25, 2016

Kitchissippi's first residents - the pioneer Thomson family

November has been a hectic month, so I apologize that I have not had more posts up on this blog! I have a few in the works, so I should be able to share a few things soon!

This week's new issue of the Kitchissippi Times includes an article I have written on the Thomson family, who were the first residents of Kitchissippi, and built the Maplelawn residence on Richmond Road in Westboro (now the Keg Manor). A lot has been written about Maplelawn itself, but not too much on the Thomsons themselves.

I was able to find the exact date they arrived in Westboro, and some interesting details about the family. I also was able to clarify the (unfortunate) financial demise of the Thomsons, and the reason why the Maplelawn property ended up leaving the Thomsons family. I wanted to be sure to include "new" info on the Thomsons, so I think this article accomplishes that.

There is also a really cool photo of Maplelawn from 1906. Unfortunately, as far as I've seen, no photos of the Thomsons exist, but as they were off the land by 1878, most of the original/oldest members of the family were likely never photographed to begin with.

Please check out the article at:

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