
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The 19th century railyard excavations by Bayview

Today was an exciting day in Ottawa media, as news began to spread of the impressive discoveries made by Bayview Station, near City Centre, of old remains of turntables and roundhouses. I received several phone calls and emails this morning about this, particularly as in early 2015 I had made a blog post about this area, and the old roundhouses which had burned down in 1883 and 1910, plus the more well-known one which stood until the mid-60s where Tom Brown Arena exists today.

(Here was that original blog post:

I wrote an article for the online edition of the Kitchissippi Times, which was published late this afternoon, and which you can view at: The story includes a few photographs I snapped of the site, as well as a shot from 1884 of the very old roundhouse, the foundation of which is now exposed!

I was also on CBC Radio in Ottawa this afternoon on 'All in a Day' with Stu Mills, discussing the discovery, and it's importance to the neighbourhood and it's history. You can hear the interview if you missed it live this afternoon at:

And just for even more self-promotion (my apologies!) you can catch a clip of an interview on CBC TV news at 6 this evening at: (the segment on the railroad discovery begins at the 10:06 mark)

And hey, one more thing - CBC news report:

I encourage everyone though to go down and view the site in person! It is actually really impressive to see. You can park for free just a few feet from the site. Just take Albert/Scott over the Bayview bridge, turn right onto City Centre Avenue, and immediately take a right down a dirt road towards the railway tracks. There are "dead end" signs there, but nothing saying "no entry" or "private". Good luck!

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