
Friday, May 13, 2016

Kitchissippi Museum - updates & tidbits!

Just wanted to share a few quick points!

* Tonight is an event that is part of Hintonburg Happening, part of what may become a series at Maker House on Wellington (987 Wellington Street West), called "Around the Campfire". Local artist/historian/writer Andrew King, Esquire will be storytelling some really cool Ottawa history stories. I've lent Gareth at Maker House a few artifacts and photos that will be on display, so you should come by and check out the event, promises to be a really cool evening.

* A couple things you should check out:

- Maureen Cullingham has begun a new series (I think it's a series, or at least I hope it is!) for Newswest on photos of Mechanicsville. Maureen is a history fan who began capturing all of Mechanicsville in the late 1980s, and goes around on a regular basis taking photos of all the houses and sights of the neighbourhood. Kind of a Google Streetview before there was Streetview. An incredible archive, particularly as the streets have changed (and continue to) so much with renovating houses, new development, etc. So check out her latest column at

- Jennifer Gillespie from the Island Park Community Association has written a great article (also part of a regular history series!) on the history of Island Park Drive in the association's spring newsletter. Be sure to check it out at:

* I will be at Artspark on Saturday May 28th (weather permitting of course!) at the Parkdale Market Park, with a table of old maps, photos, artifacts and what not. So please stop by and say hi!

* The Kitchissippi History & Heritage Group has the next meeting scheduled - It will be on Sunday June 5th, from 2-4 p.m. at the Kitchissippi United Church on Island Park Drive, just south of the Queensway underpass (formerly known as Kingsway). Anyone is invited to attend, and this will be a really important meeting as we will have staff from the City Planning Department on hand to discuss their project to rebuild the Heritage Reference List. I'll have another post dedicated to this meeting in the next week or two, so consider this a "save the date" for those who are interested.

* I have a couple of articles in the works for the blog (and the Kitchissippi Times). Should have something out in the next day or two with a story that is pretty shocking, what part of the Hampton-Iona-Westboro neighbourhood nearly developed as in the late 1800s.

* As always, if you have anything hiding in old family photo albums, photos of old houses, buildings, streets, etc., please let me know. I'm always chasing old photos of anything local. You'd be surprised how useful a random old photo of a house can be!


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